Located in Huyen Tran Cong Chua street, about 7km to the southwest of Hue city, Thuy Xuan is the largest incense-making village known for hundreds of year. Incense-making is considered as a local main means of livelihood. It is said that generations of villagers have lived and breathed in it. Although hand-made incense requires hard work, it seems to be sold at a reasonable price.
Thuy Xuan incense comes in various types such as cinnamon incense, lemongrass incense, deodorant incense, incense coil, agarwood incense etc. Thanks to environmentally friendly and healthy materials, Thuy Xuan village's incense has light yellow color and pleasant smell.
In addition to incense, Thuy Xuan locals also sell souvenirs such as lacquered paintings, fans and brocades. Thuy Xuan incense used to be produced for domestic use only, however, it is now being exported to foreign countries. Thuy Xuan incense-making village has become a local special cultural tradition passed down and unceasingly developed.