Hue glutinous rice dumpling (Photo: internet)

Being well-known for their elegance, Hue locals show their special taste not only in dining, selecting ingredients, but also cooking style and food decoration. For Hue locals, every dish is an art works.

It can be said that Hue locals enjoy gastronomy with all their senses. Nguyen Tuan, a famous writer once said that Hue locals eat with their eyes. No matter what sense they use to absorb nutrition, they seem to enjoy rather than eat the dishes. This can be shown through little smooth pieces of bánh bèo (round-shaped steamed rice cake), “Bánh nậm” (flat rice flour stuffed dumpling wrapped in banana leaf), Nam Pho rice spagetti soup, corn sweet soup from Con Hen islet, etc. Regardless of rustic or luxurious dishes, one may never forget their special flavors. Thanks to meticulous hands of Hue women, Hue dishes were rich with spiritual values.

Hue is home to over 1000 Hue styled dishes including royal dishes served under Nguyen dynasty. The royal menu consists of over dozens of carefully prepared dishes. Besides, rustic dishes are very popular among Hue locals. There are up to hundreds of dishes made by Hue housewives who are not only meticulous, smart but also talented. Locals not only concern about decoration and quality rather than quantity. Visitors will never forget the elegant their flavor once taste Hue vegetarian dishes.


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  • Corn sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves in Hue (illustration photo) Hue sticky rice
    Update 5/14/2021 10:49:51 AM
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  • Hue offal congee Types of Hue congee
    Update 5/13/2021 2:20:50 PM
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  • Hue sweet soup (illustration photo) Types of Hue sweet soup
    Update 5/11/2021 2:30:48 PM
    Hue was known as home of various kinds of sweet soup. Many fruit, nuts, tubers or even barbecue pork are used as ingredients of this traditional delicacy. Sweet soup may be served at the end of the meal, mid-afternoon and party, etc. There are more than 50 kinds of sweet soup in Hue.

  • Lotus cake Hue cuisine in national cultural heritage
    Update 5/10/2021 3:17:21 PM
    With unique values, Hue cuisine has become an art, one of the important factors in Hue culture and national culinary culture.

  • "Banh tro" (Vietnamese-adapted jianshui zong), a traditional dish made on lunar new year and Doan Ngo festival Type of Hue sweet dishes
    Update 5/10/2021 2:42:46 PM
    Hue sweet food are commonly known for their mild sweetness, well-kneaded dough and colorful packings. Some are carefully molded as a piece of art. They prove the delicacy and skillfulness of Hue cuisine.

  • Pandan and butterfly-pea flower flavored "banh day" (glutinous rice cake) Modern cuisine in Hue
    Update 5/7/2021 9:31:28 AM
    Nowadays, Hue locals not only conserve local traditional cuisine, but also learn from modern cooking style.

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