- Office address: 25 Van Trach Hoa street, Phong Dien town, Hue city

- Office telephone: +84 234.3551221  - Fax: +84 234.3551221

- Email: phongdien@thuathienhue.gov.vn 

- Website: phongdien.thuathienhue.gov.vn

- Area: 945.66 km² (According to Resolution No. 1314/NQ-UBTVQH15 dated November 30, 2024 of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on the rearrangement of district- and commune-level  administrative unis in Hue city for 2023 – 2025 period)

- Population: 105,597 people (According to Resolution No. 1314/NQ-UBTVQH15 dated November 30, 2024 of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on the rearrangement of district- and commune-level  administrative unis in Hue city for 2023 – 2025 period)

- Geographical location:

      + Bordered by Quang Dien district to the east;

      + Bordered by Huong Tra town to the south-east;

      + Bordered by East Sea to the north-east;

      + Bordered by Quang Tri province to the north-west;

      + Bordered by A Luoi district to the south.

- Number of administrative units: 12 commune-level administrative units, including 06 wards: Phong An, Phong Hai, Phong Hien, Phong Hoa, Phong Phu, Phong Thu and 06 communes: Phong Binh, Phong Chuong, Phong My, Phong Son, Phong Thanh and Phong Xuan.
