- Office Address: Thuy Chau ward, Huong Thuy Town, Hue city
- Office Telephone: 0234.3861266 - 0234.3861267 - Fax: 0234.3861928
- Email: huongthuy@thuathienhue.gov.vn
- Area: 427,49 km2 (Thua Thien Hue Statistical Yearbook 2023)
- Population: 100.750 habitants (Thua Thien Hue Statistical Yearbook 2023)
- Population density: 235,7 habitants/km2 (Thua Thien Hue Statistical Yearbook 2023)
- Geographical location:
+ Bordered by Phu Loc district to the east
+ Bordered by Huong Tra town and A Luoi district to the west
+ Bordered by Phu Loc district to the south
+ Bordered by Thuan Hoa district to the north
- Number of administrative units: 10 units including 5 wards (Phu Bai, Thuy Chau, Thuy Luong, Thuy Phuong, Thuy Duong) and 5 communes (Phu Bai, Thuy Chau, Thuy Luong, Thuy Phuong, Thuy Duong).