Hue locals' distinctive taste
Update9/30/2021 10:14:57 AM
Due to local distinctive spices, dipping sauces and cooking methods, Hue locals' taste can be generally described as followed.
Hue locals love pleasantly sweet dishes such as steamed rice cake with honey
Hue locals love pleasantly sweet dishes such as steamed rice cake with honey

They get used to eating spicy dishes. This spiciness not only comes from red chili, but also spices (black pepper, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, turmeric) which are ground, crushed, squeezed, pickled in salt water or fish sauce, etc.

Regardless of materials, Hue locals love creating "special" tastes such as bitterness, astringency, nutty flavor, etc.

Hue's dishes seem to be more salty than those from southern and northern parts. However, this flavor is different from that found in northern central region. "Tham thap" is an adjective that Hue locals often use to describe the perfect salty and sweet combination found in well-cooked braised, fried or stir-fried dishes.

Hue locals like eating sweet soup, candied fruits and candy which are pleasantly sweet only.  

They prefer food in pieces. Even those served in single large piece such as stewed chicken, duck, pigeon are well-cooked and elegantly cut into bite-sized pieces.

Although the taste of Hue locals is quite similar to that of people living in Central Vietnam, it is adapted to ancient capital's style.
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