Sunday, 01/09/2024
Thai Hoa Palace (the Palace of Supreme Harmony)
Update2/22/2019 2:42:27 PM
Constructed in 1805, Thai Hoa palace is one of the most important landmarks of Hue Imperial City. It deserves a precious monuments in terms of historical, cultural and art values.

Thai Hoa Palace is used to celebrate significant court rituals such as anniversaries and coronations. It was also an important venue to welcome ambassadors of other countries or celebrate diplomatic rituals. Most significant events of the royal family, royal dynasty and the country were originated from this palace. For more than 200 years, Thai Hoa Palace witnessed numerous events, both glory and failure of the country during 13 reign of the Nguyen Dynasty from Gia Long the founder of the dynasty to Bao Dai the last king. The main interior inside the Palace is the golden throne where the emperors sat and received the salutations or listened to the reports of court mandarins. The most striking features of the Palace are the red lacquered wooden columns with emblem of golden dragon. Right in front of this palace is a huge courtyard with stone tablets on the right and left hand side. These tablets mark the position of the mandarins according to their ranks, civil mandarins on the left and military mandarins on the right.

Inside the Palace of Supreme Harmony (Source:

Source: Travel guide Hue
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