Thua Thien Hue announces projects calling for investment in An Van Duong new urban area
Update7/17/2020 3:59:21 PM
Recently, Thua Thien Hue province promulgated documents to announce projects calling for investment in An Van Duong new urban area.
Zone A of Hue new urban area (Photo: internet)
Zone A of Hue new urban area (Photo: internet)

Accordingly, TDC2 residential area project in Zone A will be deployed in about 1.530,9 m2 with the minimum total expense of VND 20,5 billion to enhance land use efficiency, increase budget revenue, ensure the image of Hoang Quoc Viet street as well as gradually establish a new modern model urban area (pursuant to Decision No. 1566/QD-UBND dated June 30th, 2020).

OTM3 housing - commercial area and CX3 park are planned to kicked off in Zone A with the total expense of around VND 4.649.441. The 22,31 ha project aims to establish a high-quality housing and commercial area and a city-level park, meeting the entertainment demand of locals and visitors. At the same time, it is an effort to improve the current infrastructure of the urban area (Pursuant to Decision No. 1629/QD-UBND dated July 7th, 2020).

Mai market - Tan My, Zone C will be carried out in the area of 49,5 ha with the total expense of VND 3.766.786. The project aims at establishing new green low-carbon urban area, meeting the demand for houses, accommodation as well as shopping of locals and visitors (Pursuant to Decision No. 1637/QD-UBND dated July 7th, 2020).