Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone
Update12/26/2017 10:57:55 AM
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Article 10. Domestic and foreign organizations/individuals have right to choose to implement investment projects in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone (except for projects in the list of prohibited investment sectors; projects having bad impact on national defense, culture, society; projects resulting in extremely environmental pollution as regulated in Vietnamese laws).

Conditional investment projects in tariff zone (except for non-tariff zone) of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone comply with current regulations.

Article 11. All investment projects in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone enjoy incentives applicable to are with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions under Laws on Foreign Investment in Vietnam, Promotion of Domestic Investment, Corporate Income Tax and other laws on tax.

Article 12.

1. All investment projects of domestic and foreign organizations, individuals in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone enjoy 10% corporate income tax applicable in 15 years since the project is operated and is exempt from corporate income tax in 04 years since the taxable income is generated and 50% tax reduction in 9 subsequent years; enjoy other incentives in terms of other taxes applicable to areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions as regulated in Law on Foreign Investment in Vietnam, Law on Domestic Investment Promotion, laws on tax and incentive under other international treaties that Vietnam signed.

2. Investment projects on manufacturing in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone of domestic and foreign organizations and individuals enjoy an exemption from import duty applicable to manufacturing material, supply, component and semi-finished product that have not been manufactured in country in 05 years since the project started to manufacture.

3. High income earner including Vietnamese and foreigners working in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone enjoy 50% reduction of required income tax.

4. Besides, incentives as regulated in this Mechanism, investment projects of domestic and foreign organizations and individuals in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone enjoy 10% corporate income tax during project's implementation period:

a) High-tech projects fulfilling requirements as regulated in Clause 3, Article 5 of high-tech zone mechanism promulgated together with Resolution No. 99/2003/ND-CP dated August 28, 2003 of the Government. Projects recieved the Certificate of high-tech project of Ministry of Science and Technology in accordance with current regulations;

b) Projects having large scope and essential role in the development of sector, fields or regional socio-economic development after being approved by Prime Minister;

c) Investment project on construction and trade of infrastructure in non-tariff zone and Chan May port.

Article 13. Domestic enterprises from economic components having investment project on manufacturing and doing business in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone are subject to enjoy State preferential credit form as regulated in current law on State credit investment and development.

Article 14: Domestic economic organizations, Vietnamese residing abroad, foreigners living in Vietnam, enterprises with foreign capital, organizations and individuals are entitled to construct housing for sale, lease, sublease or transfer of the land use rights attached to constructed infrastructure in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone in accordance with land law. Vietnamese residing overseas are allowed to buy house with land use right in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone. Foreigners living in Vietnam and foreign investors are allowed to buy house and lease land in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone.

Article 15. Apply one-price policy to goods, services controlled by the State and land-leasing money for foreign and domestic organizations, individuals having manufacture and business activities in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone.

Chapter IV


 Article 16.

1. The entire area of land and water surface reserved for investment in the construction and development, port area, port logistic service; non-tariff area; resort area; the new urban areas in Chan May-Lang Co Economic Zone as determined in Chan May – Lang Co Economic Zone Development Proposal approved by the Prime Minister and detail land use planning approved by Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee are allocated in one time to the Management Board for organizing the construction and development of Chan May-Lang Co Economic Zone by Thua Thien Hue provincial People’s Committee. Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee directs land acquisition activities in accordance with the planned land fund to construct industrial zones, port area and port logistic service; non-tariff zone; resort area; new urban area in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone.

2. Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee directs land and water surface acquisition activities in accordance with detail approved land-using plan for the square of land and water surface for remain functional areas and other purposes in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone; allocates the land acquisition square to the Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone in align with detail annual and five-year land use plan of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone for implementing construction and development in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone.

3. Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee is in charge of instructing Phu Loc District People's Committee to coordinate with Management Board of Chan May Lang Co Economic Zone in implementing compensation, clearance the square of land and water surface acquired by competent state agency to allocate to the Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone. The Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone takes the responsibility for allocating the land with collection of land use fee and the land without collection of land use and land lease fee to subject having land use demand; resettling for households whose land is acquired in accordance with the law on land. The management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone manages allocated land and water surface fund; takes the responsibility for using the land and water surface fund effectively and land use purpose, ensuring the implementation in accordance with the master development plan of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone approved by Prime Minister as well as the detail land use planning approved by Thua Thien Hue Provincial People's Committee.

4. In the case of land allocation and land lease without an auction of land use right or tendering for land-using projects.

Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone decides the land use fee, water surface and land lease fee; reduction and exemption of land lease fee in accordance with each specific project in order to ensure investment encouragement on the basis of land price, reduction and exemption of land use fee; exemption and reduction of land lease fee as regulated by Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee in accordance with law on encouraging domestic and foreign investment.

5. In the case of allocation of land with collection of land use fee and land lease in the form of an auction of land use right or tendering for land-using projects.

On the basis of financial method and land price approved by Thua Thien Hue provincial People's Committee, the Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone makes decision on allocating and leasing the compensated, cleared land to subjects having demand in accordance with the law on land.

6. Domestic organizations and individuals, Vietnamese residing oversea who are allocated land or leased land; foreign organizations and individuals, enterprises with foreign investment capital, parties joining in business contract, cooperation in accordance with Law on foreign investment in Vietnam is allowed to lease land to deploy investment projects in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone, have respective right and obligation in accordance with form of land allocation and land lease as regulated in law on land.

Article 17. The government provides investment support in constructing technical infrastructure, fence, function zones in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone; support compensation, clearance in function and resettlement zones of households whose land are retrieved; support investment and construction of centralized water and waste treatment of function zones in accordance with programs aiming to support national investment.

Article 18.

1. Before constructing works serving manufacturing, business, functional areas, public service and utility works in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone, Domestic and foreign organizations and individuals shall send application dossier to the Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone in accordance with law on construction. Within 7 working days after receiving valid and complete dossiers, the Management Board shall examine the dossiers and give its written replies to the investors.

2. The management and construction actvities of works serving manufacturing, business as well as infrastructure of functional areas, public service and utility works in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone are implemented in accordance with law on construction.


Chapter V


Article 19.

1. The government gives investment capital from budget and preferential credit to support leasing foreign consultant to participate in planning in detail functional areas, investing and developing social technical infrastructure and essential public service and utility works for the operation and development of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone.

2. Providing fundamental construction investment capital for the system of technical-social infrastructure and public service and utility works as regulated in Clause 1 is managed and balanced by Central from the task of development investment expenditure of central budget agency following targeted programs in accordance with Law on State budget.

3. Methods of raising capitals for investing and developing Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone:

a) Prioritize ODA capital source and preferential credit capital for constructing technical-social infrastructure, necessary public service and utility works of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone and other technical support;

b) Investment capital in form of BOT, BT, BTO and others in accordance with current regulations;

c) Capital mobilized from land fund in accordance with current law on land to invest in developing technical-social infrastructure serving Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone in general.

d) Calling for direct investment capital from domestic and foreign organizations and individuals; advance capital of subjects having demand for using infrastructure, capital of corporates performing infrastructure construction and business function; expanding co-financing credit of credit organizations and call for other capital sources in accordance with legal regulation.

Article 20.

1. Allow commercial banks and other credit organizations to be established and to operate in accordance with law on credit organizations to open branch office in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone in order to perform credit functions in Vietnam Dong as well as foreign currency for economic activities in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone in accordance with current regulations.

2. Purchase, pay, transfer and other transactions among economic organizations, individuals in non-tariff zone are made in freely convertible currency through bank account. Common goods serving daily life are paid in Vietnamese unit of currency.

Article 21.

1. Foreigner and Vietnamese residing overseas working, investing in business activities in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone and their family members are granted multiple visa and are allowed to reside, temporarily stay in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone. Visa duration is in accordance with working duration, investment and business activities in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone;

2. Tourists visiting Chan May port by foreign ship in contract with travelling agency will process exit procedure at the port.

Ministry of Public Security instructs Thua Thien Hue province to implement this provision.

3. The Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone is allowed to grant Work Permit for foreign labourers, Vietnamese residing oversea and having investment or business in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone as regulated in Vietnamese law.

Ministry of Labour - Invalid and Social Affairs instructs the Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone to implement this provision.

Article 22. The government supports investment promotion in the fields of tourism, trade in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone; advertises investment environment of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone to domestic and foreign potential investors.

Article 23.

1. Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee directs the Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone to well organize compensation, clearance, resettlement policy, fixed farming, social policy and employment solution to ensure people's life, living and working condition for labourers in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone:

a) Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee instructed the Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone to plan and invest in constructing residential resettlement area along with essential technical and social infrastructure.

b) Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee is in charge of creating new land fund and providing technical support to ensure stable and improved life for resettled resident together with the coordination of the Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone;

c) Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee directs and creates favorable conditions in constructing houses for experts, officials, civil servants, employees, etc working and investing in business in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone;

d) Phu Loc District People's Committee is in charge of performing State management in terms of administration, security, national defense for labourer and resident living in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone.

2. The Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone and relevant state agencies perform relevant administrative protocols in terms of investment, land, construction, bidding, tax, customs, labor and enterprise management in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone.

3. The management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone coordinated with local authority to organize, disseminate, educate the awareness of officials, local resident of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone to continue to develop and participate in developing Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone.

Article 24. Meriturious oorganizations and individuals in calling for official development assistance, foreign direct investment projects and domestic investment projects in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone are awarded in accordance with the mechanism issued by the Management Board of Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone and approved by Ministry of Finance.

(Extracted from Decision No. 04/2006/QD-TTg dated January 1, 2006 of Prime Minister)
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