Hanoi lotus festival to take place from July 12 to July 16, 2024
Update7/5/2024 9:37:11 AM
There are some main activities to be held including the opening ceremony of Hanoi lotus festival (from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM on July 12, 2024), the introduction of OCOP products which are associated with the culture of northern mountainous localities (from July 12 to July 16, 2024).
Location: Tay Ho creative cultural space (612 Lac Long Quan, Tay Ho, Ha Noi city)
Location: Tay Ho creative cultural space (612 Lac Long Quan, Tay Ho, Ha Noi city)

At the event, there will be 100 standard stalls where OCOP products and regional specialties are on display; decoration space; regional food; the space where OCOP products and lotus-related specialties are on display; the space to experience lotus related products (painting, photo, oil painting, cloth and poem); the space introducing lotus-related products such as flower, thread, sweet soup, sticky rice, lotus-based dishes, decorative and craft products; the display of kinds of lotus in Vietnam and Hanoi city, etc.

Within the framework of this event, a number of activities will also be held, for example the workshop on conserving and developing Vietnamese lotus flower; the inauguration ceremony of OCOP center at Tay Ho district - Pho Trinh; the opening ceremony of lotus installation art space, lotus photo exhibition in Vietnamese daily life; survey - conference  themed “Nang cap chat luong dich vu va ket noi diem den du lich cua quan Tay Ho voi cac doanh nghiep lu hanh tren dia ban thanh pho Ha Noi nam 2024” (upgrading the service quality and connect Tay Ho district’s destinations with travel agents in Hanoi city in 2024); “Trinh Cong Son va nhung nguoi ban” (Trinh Cong Son and friends) music night; “Sac sen Tay Ho” (the beauty of Tay Ho lotus) cycling festival which attracts 7.000 participants around Tay lake; “Sen ket noi yeu thuong” (lotus connects love) program; visiting heroic Vietnamese mothers and families under preferential treatment policy across the district.

Particularly, joining in Hanoi lotus festival, participants have a chance to experience tangible and intangible cultural space literature, poem, song and photo. They are encouraged to wear the Aodai with lotus patterns while taking photo to introduce and widely spread Tay Ho lotus – Hanoi.
