Colorful Poinciana flower season
Update6/25/2024 5:34:21 PM
TTH Portals) - Between late May and July, Hue is filled with the heat of hot summer days and red Poinciana flower which can be found along streets, the Huong river and Hue Imperial city. This flower not only reminds people of student time, but also fascinates tourists walking along the Poinciana flower streets.
Poinciana tree by Truong Tien bridge
Poinciana tree by Truong Tien bridge

The breath-taking scenery makes visitors admire. Coming to Hue these days, visitors may realize how beautiful and romantic the city is with the red of Poinciana flower and ancient relics.

Colorful Poinciana flower

The Poinciana tree by Truong Tien river inspired a lot of photographers. This place is crowded with visitors and locals who go for a walk and take photo under the Poinciana flower trees.

Traveling along Phan Dinh Phung street, Le Duan street, Dang Thai Than street, Kim Long street, the Huong river, Truong Tien bridge, Da Vien bridge, visitors may see red Poinciana blossom.

This flower season contributes to the beauty of Hue city and inspires far and near tourists. These days, visitors and Hue locals regardless of age come and check in to save memories of a Poinciana flower season.

Photos taken on Poinciana flower season: