
Sunday, 28/07/2024
Agriculture - Forestry - Aquaculture

Agriculture - Forestry - Aquaculture 
(According to Thua Thien Hue Statistical Yearbook 2022)

1. Planted area and production of cereals

- Area 54.276 ha

+ Rice 52.790 ha

+ Corn 1.480 ha

- Production: 272.497 tons

+ Rice 266.643 tons

+ Corn 5.843 tons

2. Planted area and production of annual crops

- Area

+ Sugarcane: 147 ha

+ Tobacco, pipe tobacco 38 ha

+ Fiber: 5 ha

+ Oil bearing crop 2.503 ha

+ Vegetables: 5.642 ha

+ Flower and ornamental plants: 200 ha

+ Other annual crops 851 ha

- Production:

+ Sugarcane: 3.694 tons

+ Tobacco, pipe tobacco: 126 tons

+ Fiber: 46 tons

+ Oil bearing crops: 3884 tons

+ Vegetables: 47.415 tons

3. Planted area and production of some perennial crops:

a. Area:

- Fruit crops: 

+ Mango: 80

+ Grapefruit: 1295

+ Apple: 2

+ Longan: 74

+ Litchi, rambutan: 30

- Perennial industrial crops

+ Coconut: 66

+ Pepper: 195

+ Rubber: 5538

+ Tea: 3

b. Production:

- Fruit crops:

+ Mango: 420

+ Grapefruit: 12330

+ Apple: 6

+ Longan: 540

+ Litchi, rambutan: 153

- Perennial industrial crops

+ Coconut: 830

+ Pepper: 260

+ Rubber: 7089

+ Tea: 12

4. Livestock and poultry breeding

- Quantity:

+ Buffaloes: 15.238

+ Cattles: 28.231

+ Pig: 145.634

+ Goat: 9.036

+ Poultry: 4.562,8 thousand (chicken: 3.365,7, duck, swan and groose: 1.197,1)

- Production:

- Living weight of live buffaloes: 938 tons

- Living weight of of live cow: 1196 0tons

- Living weight of pig: 14.351 tons

- Living weight of livestock:  15.461 tons (chicken: 9.568, egg: 47.525 thousand and honey: 101 tons)

5. Forest area

- Area of concentrated planted forest: 7.210 ha. Herein:

+ Production forest: 6.514 ha

+ Protection forest: 632 ha

+ Specialized forest: 64 ha

- Wood yield 599 m3. Herein: natural wood: 0, planted wood: 599 m3

- Wood pulp:

+ Firewood: 112.000

+ Bamboo: 557.000 trees

+ Raltan: 943 tons

+ Resin: 900 tons

+ Palm leaf: 279.000 leaves

+ Line leaf: 218.000 leaves

+ Conical hat making leaf: 7.160 leaves

+ Fresh asparagus: 41 tons

+ Wood ear: 1.000 kg

+ Straw broom: 191 tons

+ Thysanalaenna: 46 tons

+ Imperata cylindrica: 9 tons

6. Aquaculture:

- Aquaculture area: 7.820 ha including

+ Brackish water area 5.860 ha

+ Salt water area: 0

+ Fresh water area:1.960 ha

- Fishery production: 60.250 tons including

+ Brackish water: 13.520 tons

+ Area of salt water: 37.141 tons

+ Area of fresh water: 9.590 tons

* Number of fishing vessels by length and scope of fishing

- By length

+ Under 6m: 216

+ From 6m to under: 1.505

+ From 12m to under: 155

+ From 15m to under: 305

+ From 24m and over: 15

- By scope of fishing:

+ Coastal fishing: 1.833

+ Offshore fishing: 363