Hue city awards "Honorary citizen" title to Mr. Kang Bong Jun – the Director General of SMC Company (Republic of Korea)
Update7/10/2024 2:18:53 PM
On July 9th, 2024, Hue city awarded "Honorary citizen" title to Mr. Kang Bong Jun – the Director General of SMC Company (Republic of Korea). Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hue city Vo Le Nhat attended and awarded the certificate.
Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hue city Vo Le Nhat awards the "Honorary citizen" title to Mr. Kang Bong Jun – the Director General of SMC Company (Republic of Korea)
Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hue city Vo Le Nhat awards the "Honorary citizen" title to Mr. Kang Bong Jun – the Director General of SMC Company (Republic of Korea)

As the Director General of SMC Company (Republic of Korea), Mr. Kang Bong Jun has made practical and effective contribution to accelerating cooperation with Thua Thien Hue province and Hue city in various fields such as culture and tourism; strengthened the cooperative relation between the Company and Vietnam in general as well as that between the Company and Korean partners in particular.

On behalf of leaders and people of Hue city, Chairman of Hue city’s People’s Committee Vo Le Nhat presented “Honorary citizen" title to Mr. Kang Bong Jun – the Director General of SMC Company (Republic of Korea).

At the ceremony

 On behalf of leaders of the People’s Committee of Hue city, I would like to extend sincere thank to Mr. Kang Bong Jun - the Director General of SMC Company for his contribution to the development of Hue city and congratulated him on being awarded “Honorary citizen” title. He hoped that Thua Thien Hue would achieve successes, and Hue city - Korean relation will be further developed”.

The “Honorary citizen” title is presented to foreign individuals who have had excellent contributions to the development of Hue city in particular and promoted the solidarity, friendship, international cooperation between Vietnam and countries in general for peace, stability, progress and social development.

Speaking at the ceremony,  Mr. Kang Bong Jun showed his special affection to Hue city. He said it is his pleasure to be bestowed the title and promised to make further contribution to Hue city in particular and Thua Thien Hue province in general to strengthen solidarity, friendship and bilateral cooperation.

Delegates take photo

Economic - Society.

Culture and Festivals