Procedure for extension of foreign representative office establishment license
Industry and Trade Department

I. Information


International commerce

Agency in charge

Industry and Trade Department

Competence agency

Industry and Trade Department

Receiving unit

Thua Thien Hue Public Administrative Services Center,1 Le Lai street - Hue city (Tel: 0234.3856868)

Receiving time

Monday to Saturday (except holiday as regulated)

(7:30 am - 11:00 am; 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm)


II. Procedure

The license extension form must be submitted at least 30 days before the license expires.

- Step 1: Individual/organization submits the dossier directly, via post office or online at Thua Thien Hue Public Administrative Services Center. The division in charge of receiving and returning results sends the receipt to individual/organization.

- Step 2: The Management Board of Economic and Industrial Zone receives and checks dossiers:

+ If the dossier is inadequate or invalid, the Management Board of Economic and Industrial Zone makes request for supplementary documents within 03 working days since the dossier is submitted.

+ Within 05 working days since Industry and Commerce Ministry received the document, the Ministry files a written document regarding to approval or refusal.

If the extension is regulated on sectorial legal documents, the department in charge of issuing in license sends document to equivalent ministry within 3 working days. Within 5 working days since receiving the document, the ministry has a written document regarding to approval or disapproval. 

In 5 working days, the Management Board of Economic and Industrial Zone extended or make a written refusal.

- Step 3: The Management Board of Economic and Industrial Zone sends the result to Thua Thien Hue Public Administrative Services Center.

- Step 4: The division in charge of receiving and returning results gives results to individual/organization.

Processing time




5 working days

VND 1.500.000

05 working days, since receiving full valid documents


working days

VND 1.500.000

05 working days, since receiving full valid documents

Postal services

working days

VND 1.500.000

05 working days, since receiving full valid documents

 III. Dossier:

Name of the dossier


Representative office establishment license

Original version: 0

Copy: 1

Petition for representative office establishment license extension signed by the competent representative of the foreign trader. (Form provided by Industry and Trade Ministry).

Original version: 1

Copy: 0

Copy of the certificate of business registration or equivalent documents of the foreign trader (copy);

Original version: 0

Copy: 1

Copy of audited financial statements of certificate of the fulfillment of tax liabilities or financial obligations of the last fiscal year or equivalent documents as proof of existence and operation of the foreign trader in most recent fiscal year (copy);

Original version: 0

Copy: 1

 IV. Requirements:

-  Foreign trader is allowed to extend representative office establishment license as the license expires. Except for cases violating regulations and those had license revoked as regulated on Article 44 Decree 07/2016/ND-CP.

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